Sunday, October 28, 2018



Pakistan and China-our two permanently hostile neighbours, and downright unscrupulous enemies - desperately want the dark and inglorious chapter of the history of Nehruvian era repeated post-2019 General Elections in India. Fortunately for them, RAHUL GANDHI, who is as visionless and clueless as his great-grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru was, is more than willing to oblige them - readily available to do a Nehru for them provided, of course, the people of India are, somehow, made to vote him to power. Goes without saying that to that end, our wily neighbours will work on every trick they could think of for the simple reason that in that event, with a thoroughly weakened India under a directionless, corrupt, Nehru-like leadership to deal with, it will be a walkover for Pakistan to grab the remaining two-thirds of the Kashmir valley, and for China to appropriate the remaining Arunachal Pradesh, besides doing a Tibet in Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan - a part of the duo's expansionist designs for which they are infamously famous world over..  A thoroughly weakened, hapless India, under, as weak a leader as Nehru, would be more than willing to buy peace from its aggressive, greedy neighbours at any cost. Against the two: the Devil (Pakistan) and Dragon (China), our brave soldiers are already engaged in a war-like situation at two and a half fronts and here are a few among us, their ungrateful compatriots, thinking in terms of providing weakest possible political leadership to demoralize them completely to the huge delight of our sworn enemies.. Out of the above two, Pakistan de-facto ruled by terrorists, die-hard orthodox Islamic elements, and Pak militia is far more dangerous. Besides, the two full-scale wars with it earlier, we have perpetually been confronting with and tormented by the terrorism exported by it ever since partition, and while under the weak, visionless, clueless, inept gutless leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru already lost to it one-third of our Kashmir valley. Nehru did not allow thousands of families uprooted from Pakistan to settle down in the valley, and the religion-wise demographic imbalance in the valley thus created, (by introducing Articles 35 -A and 370 in the Constitution), has been proving a bane for the people of India ever since then.  The thorny Kashmir problem, the problems of burgeoning population - eating away our scarce national resources on which Dr. Man Mohan Singh authorizes the minority (read Muslims) to assert their first claim ( meaning thereby exclusive claim, as in the context of severely scarce natural resources that we have, there could not possibly be anything like "second claim") What an appetite for Assamese Muslim vote!!) , chronic unemployment, all result of the visionless policies pursued by Jawaharlal Nehru- the first Prime Minister the destiny cursed us with.  Why there was no Modiji around that crucial hour in history? Now history dangerously seems to be at the verge of repeating itself, and the great-grandson is hell-bent upon replicating the great-grandfather to bring about worst-ever chaos for us. Are we ready to witness our doom and irreversible disaster?   Modiji is the only hope for us. ANY lesser man will not be able to face the impending danger MENACINGLY LURKING AT THE HORIZON OF INDIAN SKY, let alone overcome it. Modiji is our only savior. Let us all pledge to strengthen his hands in all possible ways we can. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Recently, willy-nilly, I was drawn into a rather unsavoury discussion with one Shri ABC at a Pioneer Daily website. While a substantial portion of that very lengthy discussion gets rubbed off, I reproduce here a patch of my narrative that somehow survives the blue pencil of the site editors. I seek an endorsement of my views from one and all. 

What the Ordnance Factories under your ablest hero Krishna Menon were doing at the time of Chinese aggression?-Producing lipsticks. You want that our woefully ill-equipped, literally unarmed, brave soldiers should have got killed fighting the battles unarmed against the very well-equipped army of four times more strong enemy which descended upon our territory like a swarm of locusts. Do you mean that they should have got slaughtered like guinea pigs? - the timid General Kaul, a cousin of Nehru, fleeing from Tejpur to the safe sanctuary in Delhi leaving his unarmed soldiers for getting slaughtered like guinea pigs by the Nehru's Unscrupulous enemy.  If such persons are your hero, you should watch out where you stand. Obviously, we the Indians then could do nothing better than to hang our heads in shame.  I am sure that you will agree that with Modiji as Prime Minister such a shameful thing is downright inconceivable, let alone happen. Such things happen only when our country is cursed with a Prime Minister like Nehru and Defense Minister of Krishna Menon's calibre and abilities- long on rhetoric .and short on everything else- never ever in Modiji's regime. Modiji has not only got a 56-inch chest. but much more besides that - Diplomacy is a thing you must know about as it is just another attribute of his magnificent, multi-faced persona. .. Kindly shed your pre-conceived notions about persons like Nehru and Krishna Menon.
 You are asking who told me that? Those who have lived those inglorious and shameful days of Indian history; who else? And there could be quite a few of them associating you too. Besides this they may further like to dent your pre-conceived notions about your hero No. 1, Jawaharlal Nehru who pushed the country in such  pathetic conditions that a predominantly agricultural country where 80 per cent of the population was then engaged in agriculture and related occupations, could not produce enough to feed 35 crore people, and went to US of America with a begging bowl beseeching Americans to give PL-480 wheat, which they were generous enough to spare for us after making sufficient provision for the pigs they reared, and  for whose consumption the stuff was basically meant. For want of proper jobs appropriate to their qualifications and skills and rampant educated unemployment, your hero forced highly qualified engineers, and technicians to do odd jobs like boot-polishing and running tea-stalls for a living, while he himself lived a king-size life deeply steeped in creature comforts in Lord Kitchener's palace at Tin Murti Marg which he occupied all for himself . A single individual occupying a palace while an average Indian lived on three annas a day !! And to the cap, it wished that he, and not Doctor Ram Manohar Lohia, be remembered as Socialist. Hypocrisy thy name is Jawaharlal Nehru. While VIP status came naturally to our White Rulers by virtue of their belonging to the ruling race, on what authority Nehru inherited the same, and after that fortified and sanctified the VIP culture via the provisions, he made in a dubious Constitution that retained and sanctified all those Westminster-made laws, rules, regulations, customs, practices, traditions, and what not to firmly lay and constitutionally justify the downright abhor able VIP culture. The Constitution reduced our democracy to what Nehru had intended to be. "For the VIPs, By the VIPs and of the VIPs' Status wise and culturally the polity and the society was divided and sub-divided into groups: VIPs vs.Non-VIPs; Religion-wise Minority (Muslims) vs. Majority (Non-Muslims), Language wise: Hindi vs. all the other languages. Region-wise: North vs.South, and so forth. Nehru, as was his wont, preached 'unity', but, practised 'Divisive Politics' for electoral gains for himself and his party. It must have been a very painful experience for the contemporary people who lived those days to realize that after Independence nothing and absolutely nothing has changed; except, of course, the pigment of the skin of the rulers that had changed from white to brown or black, and that too for the worst- they were far happier under the White Regime;  reminisced the good old days they had lived under the foreign rulers. . Nehru gave yet another sinister dimension to this most abhor able culture fit only for slaves. Now it was like: ONCE A VIP, ALWAYS A VIP-
What the Ordnance Factories under your ablest hero Krishna Menon were doing at the time of Chinese aggression?-Producing lipsticks. You want that our woefully ill-equipped, literally unarmed, brave soldiers should have got killed fighting the battles unarmed against the very well-equipped army of four times more strong enemy which descended upon our territory like a swarm of locusts. Do you mean that they should have got slaughtered like guinea pigs? - the timid General Kaul, a cousin of Nehru, fleeing from Tejpur to the safe sanctuary in Delhi leaving his unarmed soldiers for getting slaughtered like guinea pigs by the Nehru' Unscrupulous enemy.  If such persons are your hero, you should watch out where you stand. Obviously, we the Indians then could do nothing better than to hang our heads in shame.  I am sure that you will agree that with Modiji as Prime Minister such a shameful thing is downright unconceivable, let alone happen. Such things happen only when our country is cursed with a Prime Minister like Nehru and Defense Minister of Krishna Menon's caliber and abilities- long on rhetoric .and short on everything else- never ever in Modiji's regime. Modiji has not only got 56 inch chest. but much more besides that - Diplomacy is a thing you must know about as it is just another attribute of his magnificent, multi-faced persona. .. Kindly shed your pre-conceived notions about persons like Nehru and Krishna Menon.

 You are asking who told me that ? Those who have lived those inglorious and shameful days of Indian history; who else? And there could be quite a few of them associating you too. Besides this they may further like to dent your pre-conceived notions about your hero No. 1, Jawaharlal Nehru who pushed the country in such  pathetic conditions that a predominantly agricultural country where 80 percent of the population was then engaged in agriculture and related occupations, could not produce enough to feed 35 crore people, and went to US of America with a begging bowl beseeching Americans to give PL-480 wheat, which they were generous enough to spare for us after making sufficient provision for the pigs they reared, and  for whose consumption the stuff was basically meant. For want of proper jobs appropriate to their qualifications and skills and rampant educated unemployment, your hero forced highly qualified engineers, and technicians to do odd jobs like boot-polishing and running tea-stalls for a living, while he himself lived a king-size life deeply steeped in creature comforts in Lord Kitchner;s palace at Tin Murti Marg which he occupied all for himself .A single individual occupying a palace while an average Indian lived on three annas a day !! And to cap it wished that he, and not Doctor Ram Manohar Lohia, be remembered as Socialist. Hypocrisy thy name is Jawaharlal Nehru. VIP status came naturally to our White Rulers by virtue of their belonging to the ruling race, but on what authority Nehru inherited the same, and after that fortified and sanctified the VIP culture via the provisions, he made in a dubious Constitution that retained and sanctified all those Westminster-made laws, rules, regulations, customs, practices, traditions, and what not to firmly lay and constitutionally justify the downright abhor able VIP culture. The Constitution reduced our democracy what Nehru had intended to be so: "For the VIPs, By the VIPs and of the VIPs? Status wise and culturally the polity and the society was divided and sub-divided into groups: VIPs vs.Non-VIPs; Religion-wise Minority (Muslims) vs. Majority (Non-Muslims), Language wise: Hindi vs. all the other languages. Region wise: North vs.South, and so forth. Nehru, as was his wont, preached 'unity', but, practiced 'Divisive Politics' for electoral gains for himself and his party. It must have been a very painful experience for the contemporary people who lived those days to realize that after Independence nothing and absolutely nothing has changed; except, of course, the pigment of the skin of the rulers that had changed from white to brown or black, and that too for the worst- they were far happier under the White Regime, and reminiscing the good old days they had lived under the foreign rulers. . Nehru gave yet another sinister dimension to this most abhor able culture fit only for slaves. Now it was like: ONCE A VIP, ALWAYS A VIP-
What the Ordnance Factories under your ablest hero Krishna Menon were doing at the time of Chinese aggression?-Producing lipsticks. You want that our woefully ill-equipped, literally unarmed, brave soldiers should have got killed fighting the battles unarmed against the very well-equipped army of four times more strong enemy which descended upon our territory like a swarm of locusts. Do you mean that they should have got slaughtered like guinea pigs? - the timid General Kaul, a cousin of Nehru, fleeing from Tejpur to the safe sanctuary in Delhi leaving his unarmed soldiers for getting slaughtered like guinea pigs by the Nehru' Unscrupulous enemy.  If such persons are your hero, you should watch out where you stand. Obviously, we the Indians then could do nothing better than to hang our heads in shame.  I am sure that you will agree that with Modiji as Prime Minister such a shameful thing is downright inconceivable, let alone happen. Such things happen only when our country is cursed with a Prime Minister like Nehru and Defense Minister of Krishna Menon's calibre and abilities- long on rhetoric .and short on everything else- never ever in Modiji's regime. Modiji has not only got a 56-inch chest. but much more besides that - Diplomacy is a thing you must know about as it is just another attribute of his magnificent, multi-faced persona. .. Kindly shed your pre-conceived notions about persons like Nehru and Krishna Menon.

 You are asking who told me that? Those who have lived those inglorious and shameful days of Indian history; who else? And there could be quite a few of them associating you too. Besides this they may further like to dent your pre-conceived notions about your hero No. 1, Jawaharlal Nehru who pushed the country in such  pathetic conditions that a predominantly agricultural country where 80 per cent of the population was then engaged in agriculture and related occupations, could not produce enough to feed 35 crore people, and went to US of America with a begging bowl beseeching Americans to give PL-480 wheat, which they were generous enough to spare for us after making sufficient provision for the pigs they reared, and  for whose consumption the stuff was basically meant. For want of proper jobs appropriate to their qualifications and skills and rampant educated unemployment, your hero forced highly qualified engineers, and technicians to do odd jobs like boot-polishing and running tea-stalls for a living, while he himself lived a king-size life deeply steeped in creature comforts in Lord Kitchener's palace at Tin Murti Marg which he occupied all for himself .A single individual occupying a palace while an average Indian lived on three annas a day !! And to cap, it wished that he, and not Doctor Ram Manohar Lohia, be remembered as Socialist. Hypocrisy thy name is Jawaharlal Nehru. VIP status came naturally to our White Rulers by virtue of their belonging to the ruling race, but on what authority Nehru inherited the same, and after that fortified and sanctified the VIP culture via the provisions, he made in a dubious Constitution that retained and sanctified all those Westminster-made laws, rules, regulations, customs, practices, traditions, and what not to firmly lay and constitutionally justify the downright abhor able VIP culture. The Constitution reduced our democracy what Nehru had intended to be so: "For the VIPs, By the VIPs and of the VIPs? Status wise and culturally the polity and the society was divided and sub-divided into groups: VIPs vs.Non-VIPs; Religion-wise Minority (Muslims) vs. Majority (Non-Muslims), Language wise: Hindi vs. all the other languages. Region-wise: North vs.South, and so forth. Nehru, as was his wont, preached 'unity', but, practised 'Divisive Politics' for electoral gains for himself and his party. It must have been a very painful experience for the contemporary people who lived those days to realize that after Independence nothing and absolutely nothing has changed; except, of course, the pigment of the skin of the rulers that had changed from white to brown or black, and that too for the worst- they were far happier under the White Regime, and reminiscing the good old days they had lived under the foreign rulers. . Nehru gave yet another sinister dimension to this most abhor able culture fit only for slaves. Now it was like: ONCE A VIP, ALWAYS A VIP-

Friday, October 12, 2018

If RG thinks that he will become the Prime Minister of India by maligning Modiji and spreading canards against him, he should think again. The days when his great-grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru used political gimmickries, canards, hype, and hypocrisy for successfully leading his Congress to the winning post in elections, are definitely over- much water has flown down the river Yamuna since then. The then gullible Indian voter is much more educated and mature now. Baseless nasty insinuations, wild, unfounded allegations of corruption against Modiji are sure to misfire and will cost heavily to the Congress Party in terms of loss of the sizeable number of votes in the ensuing elections. To say that the distasteful expression 'Chor' for the Hon'ble Prime Minister is in bad taste would be an understatement. It's downright deplorable and unpardonable. RG should be punished for his total lack of discretion, discipline, decency and decorum expected of a leader of a recognized political outfit in his conduct and behaviour. Congress, in its own interests, should change its leader before it is too late. Sachin Pilot, though quite young, is far more mature- has a grey head over his green shoulders.

Sunday, September 9, 2018



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