While recounting the glory of five achievers in the field of I.T., Sh. L.K.Advaniji, in one of his blog-posts, overlooked the contributions of the British Computer software genius- Tim Berners Lee- the creator of he World Wide Web (w.w.w) popularly known as the "Internet",which is nothing short of a marvel. This development has dramatically changed our daily lives. About two decades back, in March 1989 to be precise, Mr. Berners Lee, scientist at European Particle Physics Laboratory CERN presented a paper titled "Information Management: A Proposal". It attracted the experts' comments: "Vague,but Exciting". The proposed project was, however,approved. One thing led to another and there was no looking back for Mr.Berners-Lee and his team of dedicated scientists. They drew up "http; -The global hypertext Language used in the website addresses. Very next year, they came up with the first web browser. Recently, Mr. Berners-Lee who still heads the World Wide Web Consortium, besides holding other prestigious positions in the leading Research Centres of U.S.A. and Britain, took part in the Commemoration Celebrations of the earth-shattering event at the CERN H.Qs. in Geneva. -SANJOG MAHESHWARI.
RTI Point of View: How RTI could have prevented the PNB fraud: Shailesh
The Right to Information (RTI), used efficiently, could have helped
activists and bankers expose irregularities much before they snowballed
into full-fledg...
7 years ago
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